Thursday, October 1, 2009

In Response to Max Gausch

Is internet monitoring that big of a concern for our nation?
The government does track a lot of our personal daily tasks such as phone calls, texts, voice mail, internet searches, internet purchases, transactions at every bank or ATM, and all other purchases with credit or debit cards. This monitoring makes searching the web easier and faster, and also makes purchasing things with electronic payment methods much quicker. This should not be considered a crime for the government to do this. Studies show that around 90% of Americans have some sort of financial debt. This is from borrowing money from the government, so why shouldn’t they have the right to see what other purchases we are making? If someone wants to not be tracked at all then they can write letters instead of using a phone, and pay with all cash, everywhere they go. Also the organizations that look at this information do it so they can focus on certain consumers. This means that their sales will go up and this will help the economy.

Where does it say that the government can’t monitor American citizens?

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