Saturday, October 31, 2009

Response to Tom

I think that is completely wrong for a company to be giving those kinds of bonuses to a single employee. Even if it is a manager, I don’t think they should be getting that big of a bonus, especially a company that had to lay off 100 workers that past year. That is just not fair that 100 workers lost their jobs because the company wasn’t able to pay them and then six months later give 1 million dollars to one of the managers. The manager is probably making good cash anyways. It would be understandable if one of the line workers came up with a design idea on their own and presented it to the company and got a huge raise for it, because that’s not their job. The manager who gets paid well to come up with new designs, should not get a million dollar because she came up with a new design that worked very well. It is similar to a doctor that prescribes a patient with a medicine which eventually cures the patient. The doctor is just doing his job the right way, and does not get a million dollar bonus every time a patient recovers from an illness.
What companies have also done things similar to this?

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