Saturday, November 14, 2009

In Response to Jack

Is this going to be the worst Christmas ever, or can people look beyond the material objects?

It is pathetic how a lot people base the quality of thier Christmas and the holidays on how much cash they have to buy gifts for people. Or how much gifts they recieve from friends and family. In recent years many people go out and max out all their credit cards in the months of november and december, hoping to get a nice tax return in febuary to pay it all off. It's probably true that many people are going to be much more careful in how much money they spend this year because their budgets can't afford as much as they did in the years past. The economy is very bad, so maybe the malls and stores wont be as packed as they used to be. That is how most of the world views a good Christmas, tons of shopping and packed malls. But that is wrong, thats not the true meaning of Christmas, we are celebrating Jesus' birthday not going into debt. People should be able to just enjoy being with their families, having the day off, and eating good food with the people they love.

Whats more important to you, gifts and chaos or being with your family?

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